Category: Product

TCC Center Rendering
Photorealistic renders of a room and furnishings for the TCC Center for Innovation.
October 7, 2021

La Introduccion
Learn Spanish in a Virtual Reality Application using Comprehensible Input and measuring comprehension by distinct environmental player reactions.
July 6, 2021

Space Fortress
Recreation of the old research game “Space Fortress” from the ground up on a modern engine for Florida State University’s College of Psychology
February 21, 2021

Shuttle 39
A two-player virtual reality experience that fully immerses the riders in an alien world
November 13, 2020

Lunar Lander
An interactive installation simulating the preparation of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module for launch.
July 21, 2019

An in-person, synchronous, room-based VR shooting game involving 3v3 gunfights in a rapidly deteriorating spaceship
June 6, 2019